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An Enduring Legacy: The Power of a Bequest

Ingrid and Duncan James

Ingrid and Duncan James

In a world where we often hear stories of inheritances dividing families or causing conflicts, there are also tales of individuals whose choices bring beauty and culture to the world—transcending their own lifetimes. One such story is that of Ingrid James, a widow whose remarkable decision to leave her estate to The Ringling has ignited inspiration and appreciation for the arts and education at the Museum.

Ingrid James lives a quiet and simple life. Her home in Bradenton—which she shared with her loving late husband Duncan—is filled with tender memories of their travels, their German and British cultures, as well as soothing peace. Their home sits in a quiet and secluded nook overlooking a pond and a beautiful garden full of plants and flowers, colorful orchids, herbs, and towering trees that Ingrid and Duncan planted over 30 years ago when they relocated to Florida. Each week over the past several years, the James’ would travel to The Ringling to walk and admire the exhibitions, lush landscape, and the Bayfront Gardens. They also volunteered together weekly at local elementary schools sharing their love for literacy by reading to young children.

Sadly, life took an unexpected turn when Duncan passed away suddenly late last year. The void left by Duncan’s absence was immense, but Ingrid found solace in their shared love for The Ringling.

Like many people who have lost a loved one, Ingrid’s grief led her to contemplate her own legacy. Through working with The Ringling’s Development Office, Ingrid decided to bequeath her entire estate to The Ringling. She decided that this would be a meaningful way to ensure that her and Duncan’s love for The Ringling would live on by enriching the lives of countless others.

The Ingrid and Duncan James Education Endowment at The Ringling will support the Museum’s Education Department with critical funding needed to provide programs, transportation, and outreach for Title 1 public schools in Sarasota and Manatee counties.

Through her generosity, Ingrid has ensured that her and Duncan’s love for art and education will continue to inspire and enrich the lives of students for generations to come. Ingrid’s story serves as a beacon of hope and a call to action for all of us to consider the legacies we can leave behind, making the world a better place through our passions and commitments.

If you are interested in learning more about leaving a bequest to The Ringling, contact Michelle A. Young at 941-358-2611 or

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